Bunker Hill SDA Church

Church Reopening Guidelines



Bunker Hill Guidelines for Reopening the Church


  1. The plan for the reopening of the Church has been prayerfully made by the Local Church Board in accordance with the Michigan Conferences Guidelines and in consultation with Conference leadership (District Superintendent) prior to opening to ensure the safety of our faith community.  The Bunker Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church will resume its Church Services on June 6th, 2020 according to the following plan.

  2. The Church in thoughtful consideration of our most vulnerable and at-risk members (age 65+, underlying health conditions, etc.) who are more susceptible to severe illness will have Church outdoors when weather permits, continue to practice social distancing and important preventive measures as delineated later in this document. 

  3. Individual members also have the prerogative to remain at home if they are uncomfortable with in-person services at this time. We ask that everyone bear patiently with one another because it is not possible to implement a one-size-fits-all plan that will satisfy every church member. 

  4. Members will receive this guideline laying out the Reopening of Church services before they reconvene for services. In addition, it will remind members that if they have had a fever in the last 14 days, come in contact with anyone with Covid-19, experience any kind sickness to refrain from coming until they are well or have waited for the appropriate time. 

  5. Weekly attendance (including names) will be taken for the purpose of contact tracing in the event of community spread.

  6. We will be practicing an incremental approach to reopening services. For June we will meet for Divine Service only and incrementally add other services, such as Sabbath School, afternoon programming, etc., at a later time. This includes a delay of reopening of children’s Sabbath School for a season due to the inability of little ones to consistently abide by social distancing rules. When children’s Sabbath School reopens, parents will be asked to accompany children to ensure that social distancing measures are followed. 

  7. Virtual Sabbath School will be the only Sabbath School available at this time until the situation improves. 

  8. Online services will continue to be provided for members at home and guests who are watching.

  9. If COVID-19 cases develop within our church, we recognize that the Conference may request a reversion to more stringent measures, such as temporarily shuttering in-person services. All individuals that are confirmed with COVID-19 are to be isolated, and any individual with a known exposure is to quarantine, according to CDC and public health guidance. 



The following common sense standards will be maintained at the onset of reopening church service and take place at the end of every service to ensure the Church is clean before services the following week. 

  1. Face masks will be provided for church members and guests who are in need of one during services. The wearing of masks will be upon a volunteer business. 

  2. Hand Sanitizer will be provided at the entrance. 

  3. The Church will be Cleaned and disinfected after services with special emphasis on high-contact areas (doorknobs, tables, chairs, light switches, bathrooms, pews, microphones, etc.).

  4. There will be no fellowship meals for the Church or Community Service for the time being. 

  5. The windows and church doors, when weather permits, will be propped open to enhance air circulation and to minimize touching doors and door knobs. 

  6. Appropriate signage will be strategically placed informing staff, members, and guests not to enter if they are symptomatic or have tested positive for COVID-19.

  7. Members are asked to not shake hands or hug each other or pastor upon entry or dismissal. Weekly announcements will be made encouraging members to wear masks, practice social distancing, not to shake hands and wash/sanitize hands frequently. Signage reminding of the importance of non-contact greetings will be placed on entry doors. 

  8. Signage reminding attendees of best hygiene practices will be in restrooms. 


OPENING CHURCH:  Worship Service

  1. Outdoor Services: When weather permits to have Church Services outside. Outdoor services will still follow the guidelines for social distancing. With fresh air, more space between people and the sunshine the risk goes down.

  2. In Door Services: In accordance with guidelines from the Michigan Governor group sizes per room will be kept at the appropriate size.  

  3. Families/households are able to sit together, all others else are to maintain six-foot distancing. 

  4. Temporarily no bulletin will be provided but all announcements will be projected on screens, read to members and read to congregants. 

  5. To avoid passing and sharing of microphones the pulpit microphone will be the only utilized. 

  6. Tithes/Offerings and Children’s Offerings may be deposited in an offering plate at the entrance of the sanctuary. 

  7. Children will remain seated with parents during Children’s Story.

  8. Church service will be dismissed row by row to encourage social distancing.